Sunday, March 18, 2012


I've never been one for blogs or blogging.  I've always felt that I haven't had much to say or nothing interesting to say.  That's been my life, really, always shying away from people because I felt awkward and not worthy of speaking to since I led a very boring life. 

You're too weird.  No one cares what you think or say.  You're so boring.  (OK, so I appreciate the writing style of Rob Bell.)

Even in college when I "broke out of my shell", the social isolation didn't leave.  Oh I was the center of attention way too many times, but even that was a facade to covering my shame and torment. 

You're defiled and dirty.  No one will accept you for who you are.

That all changed a while ago when I started learning who I really am.  There have been a lot of affirmation talks and digging deep into my soul and past to uncover my true identity, but now I'm arriving.  I will always be in process but I will never go back to my self-created identity. 

My self-created identity was somewhat of a trailer trash homestead with a decrepit trailer in the middle, where my heart was stored, and on the outside piles and piles of rubble, accumulated junk from cars to washers to bed springs (we all know the picture).  The yard itself was unkempt and the grass, brush and trees grew wild, and the only way around was the narrow walking paths to various places around the yard.  And the would swear it was a toxic dump if there wasn't a fire number at the end of the brushed in driveway.  No way anyone lived there, yet there I was, alone and sitting in my own filth.  Turning again and again to my own cloak of shame, guilt and hiding.

Part of my new God-Created Identity is sharing my heart which was so isolated and alone.  I am now to be a light for others to help inspire their journey.  God has created me with a vision of spreading encouragement and truth to all who listen.  I was made to be a fearless warrior with a sensitive and loving heart for others and the urgency to help people walk out of their own destruction into the light.  Instead of using judgement and slander through a critical and sharp tongue, I can now meet people where they are and help them with their own walk. I am no longer afraid of persecution or rejection.  I am a rock in Christ who has redeemed my soul and strengthened my own story to stand back up and return to the straight and narrow path.

Warrior.  Fearless.  Encourager.  Man of God.

This won't be one of those superior religious mediums where I am afraid to come off the "ark" and stay in my safe zone of piety, judgement and know it all attitude.  I'm going to be vulnerable to bear all and take the walk where God wants me to go.  I will cover many different topics and ideas along the way, all meant to shed a new light on some areas that may have been shut off in the past and create a spark in your own heart.  This spark is meant to be investigated by you and really searched out in your own life.

Question it.  Ponder it.  Use it to find your own story.

I don't know when the words will come or how often the posts will be delivered, but when God tells me to write, I'll write.  I may make mistakes.  I may leave incomplete blogs, or go back and change past blogs to help clarify some meanings.  But through grace I can claim my identity and be allowed to fail.  Again, I'm new to blogging, so I have no idea how this really works.  This whole thing started with putting words of wisdom up on my Facebook statuses, and seeing how God would use them.  It's now time to move from status updates to full on writings.

So what is the deal with the big words in your blog title?  Dunamis?  Joppa?  I thought this was an "ark free" zone?

OK, so my own inspiration for this journey started with listening to past podcasts of Valleybrook Church sermons.  The first series I listened to was "Dream Again", a yearlong study on the Book of Acts.  During this study Dunamis power was talked about, a lot, and really spoke to me about the power of the Trinity (God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit).

So what is Dunamis?

Dunamis is a Greek word that is where we derive our word dynamite.  We all know dynamite is powerful.  Well it just so happens that Dunamis is Greek is pretty powerful, too.  It is the power of the Trinity--that holds the three together in perfect unison, the power behind the Holy Spirit.  This is the same power that was in the creation story in Genesis, the same power that parted the Red Sea, helped the Israelites many times in defeating their bigger and stronger enemies, and rose Jesus from the dead.  This Dunamis power also flowed through the 120 lowly followers from Galilee in the upper room during Pentecost and caused these 120 to speak in tongues of their captive lands.  The miracle behind this is these Jews from Galilee were not well spoken individuals.  Galileans were on the lower end of the social spectrum and certainly did not have the education to be well versed in their native Hebrew, let alone the language of their captors (Acts 2). 

Duanmis is translated as (

1. strength power, ability
  1. inherent power, power residing in a thing by virtue of its nature, or which a person or thing exerts and puts forth
  2. power for performing miracles
  3. moral power and excellence of soul
  4. the power and influence which belong to riches and wealth
  5. power and resources arising from numbers
  6. power consisting in or resting upon armies, forces, hosts
It is the same power that is causing me to write this blog without fear of  persecution.  It is the same power that still flows through the Holy Spirit and the Trinity today keeping us all in unity with the movement of God and Jesus. 

Duanmis power is the reason why I came alive from the brink of death and has inspired me to write the words I am sharing.

Joppa.  In Acts 9-10 Peter ends up in the Gentile city of Joppa (now is part of the outskirts of Tel Aviv).  He first arrived there to raise a disciple from the dead, but then ended up living with Simon the Tanner.  Now if you think about this, Peter, being from a very strong line of devout Jews at the time, was probably a little nervous (that's an understatement), about spending time with such a "defiled" Gentile who tanned animal hides (both clean and unclean animals) for a living.  I'm sure there was blood and "unclean" meat and "unclean" carcasses lying all around.  If you could imagine Detective Monk in a meat processing plant, you could imagine Peter in the first few days with Simon.  Read more about Peter's time in Joppa to get a better understanding. 

Unclean animals, blood, guts, hides, meat.  Kosher Peter.

Not only was this hilariously ironic once you see the history and his "cleanliness rituals" behind his stay in Joppa, but it was also a critical stop for unlocking the gospel for the gentiles (aka everyone who was not a Jew or Samaritan--Jewish "half-breed").  If Peter didn't spend two years in Joppa for a time to rest and recharge his batteries, and to get better acquainted with the Gentiles, God would not have been able to use him as the key to unlock the miracle of Jesus Christ to the world!

Dunamis filled miracles and wonders.  Rest.  Recharge.  Repeat. 

Joppa was a huge resting place for Peter.  Joppa is also a term used today for our own "resting periods" or "holding patterns" as we walk along our own Christian journey.  Have you ever felt periods of waiting and waiting and waiting for God to move again in your life?  Like you're stuck in a holding pattern with no hope of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel?  I lived in Joppa for four years until God unlocked my heart to being the restoration process of all the brokenness and shame.  After six strong months of recovery, I lived one Duanmis filled weekend and I was spent.  I understand why Peter spent 2 years in Joppa.

So Joppa in the title explains where I've been in order to unlock my Duanmis filled journey.  My "Duanmis Journey in Joppa" was born.  Even my website domain was inspired: by slowing down, I was able to dream again!

Power.  Holy Spirit.  Redeemed life made new.

Yes, this is a lot of information for the introduction, but I feel it is essential for really understanding my journey and the blog itself.  I hope you enjoy this reading and that it challenges you in ways you never thought possible.  Much of the same way that I have been challenged to dream again for a new and better life, one that I never thought possible, but am now experiencing.

I love you,


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